Universal Works. | Deluxe Football Scarf

Universal Works. | Deluxe Football Scarf

My dad first bought me a cheap football scarf at the age of five or six when I went to my first game at Villa Park and over the years I've had a lot of cheap acrylic hanging around my neck! 

Showing your colours on match day was something to blind you to a place, to a community, and the cheap scarf can still do that job for sure. I'm not knocking it, but ever since we started making quality scaves for Universal Works with a small knit factory in Nottinghamshire, I've wanted to up the ante with my team colours and make a more "deluxe" version of this humble item.

It's taken me 9 years! (I can be slow at times)  but finally, we have made a simple, elegant and wearable (not just for the match), football scarf.

Of course, I included my own team in the colours available and we will add additional colours later so if your team is not seen here yet, maybe tell us the colours you are waiting for and we will try to get to it in the next set we make.


P.S  There was a green and white option but the yarn was not delivered on time for production... so that one is on the ‘coming soon” list! 

You can shop our Universal Deluxe Football Scarves here.