Ltd. Store Paris
The Universal Works’ Small X Ltd Store is now open in Paris…
Universal Works Ltd. Store is a series of pop-ups around the world. An extension of our bricks-and-mortar UK stores, we’ve been globetrotting to make new retail spaces where we’ve been directly meeting new and existing customers while supporting local stockists in the area.
The Ltd. Store arrived in Paris, from Tokyo, on November 18th at Small store on Rue Notre-Dame-de-Nazareth, where it will stay open until Christmas Eve. We’ve got big plans for the store, each week focusing on a new exciting product that we’ve made exclusively for our time in Paris. We’ve already released a very special Souvenir Jacket, a Paris special edition Novesta Star Master sneaker and we’ve got a couple of surprises left up our sleeves in the run up to Christmas, so keep tuned.
While UWHQ was out in Paris to set up the store, we also paid a visit to each of our Parisian stockists. It was great to catch up with the guys at Merci, Roxan, Royal Cheese and VBS and to see Universal Works in each of their different but equally amazing stores.
The Ltd. Store is open 12pm-8pm Tuesday to Saturday and each weekend a different team member will head over from the UK to help and hang out in the store. If you are in the district, pop in to say hi, and keep tuned for more Paris exclusives.