UW Neighbourhood Party. Berwick Street
Earlier this year, we held our first-ever UW Neighbourhood Party in celebration of our new Nottingham location. It went so well that we decided to throw another one, but this time, down in London, to mark the 10 years of Universal Works on Berwick Street.

Let's be honest; it wouldn't really be a party without friends. So, we got our neighbours involved and turned the whole thing into a Berwick St Neighbourhood Party. Oliver Spencer, Sandqvist, Footpatrol, and Clarks Originals were supplying good vibes, drinks, and music while Tommi's were slinging burgers and fries for many a hungry guest, with a tailor-made deal only available on the night.

Over at UW Soho, we had the esteemed Luke Solomon soundtracking the evening with disco and house classics for people to move their feet around the store. Two Tribes provided some tasty beers to keep the conversation flowing. We had refreshing soft drinks served by our friends at Karma, and for those in need of hydration, thirsts were murdered by Liquid Death.

It takes a lot of organisation to make something like this happen. Some might even say that it was a case of blood, sweat, and beers (see what we did there). With this in mind, it only felt right to have a cheeky after-party drink or two with the team to raise a toast to all involved, and the Blue Posts on Berwick St were only too happy to help.

We want to say a big thank you to everyone who helped make this a night to remember, and that includes all of you who came along to celebrate with us.
Peace, Love, and Soul.
Team UW.