The Bakers Union
Our bestselling jacket and a Universal Works classic, is our Bakers Jacket, a design which has been within the collection since day one. The Baker’s Jacket is a multipurpose jacket with workwear origins and was inspired by Davids Keyte's dad, who was a baker and wore a simple chore jacket whilst on the job.
He worked for over twenty-five years in the Co-operative Bakery in Tamworth and during that time he was a shop steward and part of one of Britains longest standing unions, the Bakers Union.
‘We can well imagine even in these days what difficulties must have been experienced by the bakery workers, for there was no limit to the hours worked and, of course, no overtime payment, the workers living practically on the job.'
Throughout years of challenging the system, the Union made progress and fought for such things as rising pay and abolition of night baking.
Today, the union currently has more than 23,000 members, representing not only bakers but workers in the food industry and has since changed its name to The Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union. Campaigning for issues such as better pay and work conditions, health and safety advice and against discrimination in the workplace.
‘When I see them city folks an’ factory ‘ands and such
A toddlin’ off to work each morn, as jaunty as can be,
I envy ev’ry one of ‘em – their work in daylight hours,
Their pleasures of an evening, when business sets ‘em free,
While I – I starts to make their bread.’
The Night Baker by "Cerax"
'Bakers Union- Our History 1849-1977 '
Bakers demonstrating because of low wages in the industry, 1948
Bakers' Union Emblem
A fight against the closure of Waggs Ltd, Docking, King's Lynn, 1975. Not only were the workers notified of the Bakery's closure, but they were also given notice of eviction from their tied cottages.