"The Almighty Button"
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so a hand-drawn animation must be worth at least a million right? For that reason, we’ll keep this synopsis short and let you focus your attention on an animated film that we recently commissioned illustrator Liam Tooher to produce for us. Topic: “The Almighty Button”.
Animated film made by Liam Tooher.
You heard it right, "The Almighty Button"; the little round thing sewn onto your clothing to help fasten your garment up.
Over the years our warehouse team has received a faulty return or two, only to find that there is nothing more wrong than a missing button. Whilst it's less than ideal when this happens we thought we'd better find a fun way to inform you of what your other options are before you decide to send it back to us.
PS... Did you know that we can send you a spare button if you're in need of one?
Just send our customer service team a photo of the garment/the name of the garment and/or your order number and we can send one out in the post to you.
...So you've just received your button, and you need help on how to attached it properly?
Read below for a quick tutorial made by Gay, our Universal Re-works partner and owner of Soul and Flare who show shows us how to sew it on like a pro.
1. Firstly find a suitable button either from your nan’s stash, visit your local charity shop or hop to a haberdashery shop to buy one new, don’t forget to check it fits through the buttonhole!
2. Take your thread & cut a length of around 60cm. The hardest part is next… threading the needle, GULP! Double over the thread & tie the strands together with a big fat knot at the end.
3.Next we start stitchin’… we’re going to do a nice big stitch through the area the button is going on, as you pull through the thread I want you to loop the needle through the 2 strands and when you pull through the knot will be firmly in place.
4. Attaching the button is easy, ensure a nice crisscross style & make sure you keep tacking through the garment as you go, do this 2/3 times for each set of holes.
5. To tidy up all them stitches we’re then gonna wind the remaining thread around & around then pop a few stitches back through to secure. Cut off your excess thread & voilà, you’ve got yourself a new button on your garment my friend.
6. Make a cuppa and pat yourself on the back, you just saved that garment from going to landfill.